Sunday, October 18, 2015

Doritos Poster Ad #2

 The advertised product is a variation of doritos, maritos.
Time Period:  
This advertisement was published in 2015.

The advertisement is trying to get you to try their new product maritos.

Target Audience: 
- The target audience is fans of doritos, you can tell because this is an advertisement for new variation of doritos.
- Advertisers make the assumption that the consumers want chips that are crunch and that good quality of doritos.
- From analyzing the poster, you can't pull any gender assumptions from this advertisement because there are no genders involved in here.
- Since there is no race involved with this advertisement, there is no assumptions regarding race in this advertisement.
- There is absolutely no assumptions about class in this particular ad since it is just a picture of a shark with its mouth open, you can't draw any assumptions from that.

Type of Claim:  
 The advertisement uses "the water is wet" claim and magic ingredients. The quote "The chip that bites back" is the use of "the water is wet" claim and for the magic ingredients in small text it mentions the use of sea salt and cayenne pepper to add to their product. 

Persuasive Appeals:  
The proof used primarily in this advertisement is ethos because it uses a picture of a shark, an animal known to have a strong bite and they claim that maritos is a chip that is " the chip that bites back". The use of ethos here is effective because of the great analogy they use the bite of a shark to compare to how hard you bite for their chips. The advertisement,however, lacks pathos and logos in this ad.

Possible Consequences: 
-     A long term consequence is that new products like this will be created, if successful.
A possible short term consequence is never selling this product again due to it not being popular.
- For this particular ad you can not say that it undermines social change but neither does it reinforce keeping it the same.
- This ad is socially responsible because it is made for commercial uses and its all friendly and entertaining.

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