Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cheetos Video Ad #1

CHEETOS Mix-Ups Cheesy Salsa Mix
Time Period: 
This advertisement was published in 2015

The advertisement is trying to get you to try their new product CHEETOS Mix-Ups Cheesy Salsa Mix.

Target Audience: 

·         People who are fans of the Cheetos brand are the targeted audience. It is easy to tell because it is advertising a new variety of Cheetos as opposed to the original.
·         The advertisers make the assumption that their audience would really like something different from the original product with some crazy new variety.
·         In this particular advertisement, there is no gender assumption since it is more gender more than anything.
·         From what I saw in this advertisement, it illustrates a society where there are literally only white people who are in a hotel which goes with the stereotype that “white people are rich” and that only they can afford to stay in a hotel/resort. It reinforces the stereotype that white people are rich in this way.
·         The assumption class can be that wealthy people are always happy. I believe the advertisement reinforces the stereotype that wealthy people are always happy because in the end of the advertisement, everybody is happy.
Type of Claim:

·         The advertisement uses an ordinary family and hotel clerk. Plain folks is used to show how normal people enjoy Cheetos. The vague claim used is “dangerously cheesy” which sort of is just there and doesn’t contribute to the advertising of the product.

Persuasive Appeals: 

·         From watching the advertisement one can only say it uses pathos because there is not factual information nor is there endorsement or trying to use credibility in the commercial. Pathos is used through the hotel clerk; at first he seems to hate his job, but when eating the product he is happy and even says to himself  “I deserve this” while eating it. The proof(s) used in the commercial are somewhat effective because the pathos used kind of leaves you with the idea of  “so what?”.

Possible Consequences: 
·         A short term effect is that people would want to try this new variety of Cheetos because of how interesting the ad makes it look. A long term effect is the price of this certain variety due to the popularity.
·         After watching the advertisement, it makes the assumption the audience think that you can bribe anybody with Cheetos product to get what you want.
·         Messages conveyed in the advertisement don’t try counter or undermine any social change because it reinforces the perfect utopian society of only white Americans.
·         This is socially responsible because there is really nothing offensive about this ad and I don’t see anything negative feedback from the audience by watching this.

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