Sunday, October 18, 2015

Doritos Video Ad #2

The main product is Nacho Cheese Doritos.
Time Period: 
This ad was published in 2012.

The advertisement is trying to get you to buy Doritos.

Target Audience:

-          The targeted audience are people watching the superbowl, I know this because I pulled this advertisement from a list of past superbowl ads about doritos.

-          This ad does not draw any assumptions about gender, it is mainly about a goat and his owner. Even though his owner is a male, from watching the ad you can’t draw assumptions from what the ad says.

-          After watching the commercial class is not a factor in the commercial, the ad is more focused on the comical part of the commercial more than anything else. Therefore, there is no assumptions being made about class in this specific ad.

Type of Claim:

From watching the commercial the best thing I can say they used for the type of claim is “so what?” because of how outrageous a goat abusing a human like that. I don’t think a goat would go crazy because you hid its doritos. However I do think that the use of this is effective in grabbing the audience’s attention.

Persuasive Appeals: 
                  This advertisement is huge in pathos because the main point of the commercial is from comical stance which is the use of emotion in the ad. Pathos is used effectively as making
It funny was the main reason why the advertisement worked. However, this advertisement lacked logos and ethos because there was no facts or any claim of credibility.

Possible Consequences: 
-        A long term consequence is that sales of doritos would go up. A short term consequence is that consumers will go out of their way to buy the product.
-          An unrealistic expectation of this ad is that a goat eating doritos and essentially “bullying” his owner for doritos.
-          This advertisement does not undermine or counter social change since it isn’t even realistic in the first place, there’s no way a goat can intimidate a human just like in the ad.
-          The ad is socially responsible because it’s all in good fun and there’s nothing that can offend anybody in it.

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