Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cheetos Video Ad #2

CHEETOS cheese puffs is the specific product being advertised.
Time Period: 
The advertisement was published in 2015.

The advertisement is trying to get you to buy Cheetos cheese puffs.

Target Audience: 
·         The target audience is for the general consumer, you can tell because it is not specific to who they target.

·         The advertiser makes the assumption that people go wild when they see Cheetos and instantly want to eat them.

·         An assumption that is made from this ad is that men are unprepared and clueless because in this ad it shows a male not having a Halloween costume for a party at his house. I find this assumptions realistic because I think it is true that guys are too often unprepared for many things and are careless. This assumption reinforces the stereotype that men are clumsy and lazy.

·         There is not really any racial stereotyping in the commercial because it is just an advertisement focused on a Halloween party with a Cheetos costume.

·         In this advertisement, there is not really any assumptions about class since there is not enough information that can be assumed from watching the commercial.

Type of Claim: 

·         A claim used in the advertisement is the “so what?” because it uses their slogan “dangerously cheesy” which leaves you wondering why they needed to put that there. I personally don’t find the “so what?” claim to be effective because it is basically just there for filling empty space.

Persuasive Appeals: 

·         After watching the commercial I can really only say that the advertisement uses ethos through their slogan, “dangerously cheesy”. Pathos and logos aren’t really used since they aren’t trying to play with your emotion or shove facts in your face. The use of ethos is somewhat effective in this advertisement

Possible Consequences: 

·         The messages conveyed in the commercial are unrealistic it makes the audience feel like Cheetos makes people go crazy for them as soon as they see them.

·         The particular advertisement doesn’t counter or undermine social change nor does it reinforce any type of stereotype. It is clear to see there isn’t enough information and assumptions being made in the commercial to have social change.

·         The advertisement socially responsible because there is really nothing offensive about this ad and I don’t see anything negative feedback from the audience by watching this.

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