Sunday, October 18, 2015

Doritos Poster Ad #1


Nacho Cheese Doritos is the product being advertised.
Time Period: 
This advertisement was published in the 2000s.

The advertisement is trying to get you to buy Doritos.

Target Audience: 
-          The target audience is general consumers of American, you can tell because it is an American commercial and is not specifying any particular audience.

-          The advertisement makes the assumption that the consumer will never be left alone when enjoying a bag of Doritos.

-          Even with a man in this poster ad, there is no assumption about gender it is not trying to make any assumptions about males so it is more gender neutral in this particular ad.

-          This advertisement doesn’t make any assumptions about race, there is not enough information on this advertisement to make an assumption about a certain race just by reading it.

-          In this particular ad there is not any assumption about class, the advertisement is simple and does nothing to try to get any assumptions regarding class in it.

Type of Claim: 
-          From analyzing the poster you can tell the advertisers use the “so what?” claim. The big text that says “it’s hard to eat when my badger is eating your face.” The way it is used in the advertisement is effective because it shows how much people love the product.

Persuasive Appeals: 
-          This advertisement is big in using pathos with a picture of an angry beaver and a man enjoying a bag of Doritos. It lacks the use of logos and ethos in this ad, however, the use of pathos is clever and entertaining.

Possible Consequences:
-          A long term consequence of this ad is that Doritos will keep making more entertaining ads like this. A possible short term consequence is that

-          The advertisement creates the unrealistic expectation that you will have a badger that protects anybody from stealing your Doritos.       

-          There is not enough assumptions that can be made in this advertisement to if there is any social change.

-          This ad is socially responsible because it doesn’t have anything offending or anything that could cause trouble in the media.

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