Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cheetos Poster Ad #1

CHEETOS is the product being advertised.
Time Period: 
This advertisement was published in 2013

The advertisement is trying to get you to buy their product, Cheetos.

Target Audience: 

·         The advertisement is for all consumers because it doesn’t specify a specific group or anything.
·         The advertisement makes the assumption that consumers would do crazy things to get their hands on Cheetos.
·         Gender assumption made in this is that men are the ones to get into more legal trouble than anything. I think that these assumptions made in the advertisement is
Unrealistic since women are as likely to get into legal trouble as men. This particular ad tries to reinforce the stereotype that men are more troublesome than women because you can tell it is a male on the poster.

·         The advertisement makes the assumption that African American males are the ones typically the ones in legal trouble. Based on the advertisement you see that the person being arrested in African American. It reinforces stereotypes that African American males are the ones that are more likely encounter legal trouble more often than other males.
·         There is no real assumption about class in this ad since you can’t really pull enough information about the class in this poster ad.

Type of Claim: 
·         After analyzing this advertisement I can really only say it uses the “so what” claim because it makes the assumption people do crazy stuff to get Cheetos. The way it is used in the advertisement is not very effective because it is not realistic what they would do for Cheetos.

Persuasive Appeals: 
·         In this advertisement there is the use of pathos through the image of a handcuffed man which is saying that their advertisement is so great people would do extreme things to get their hands on it. Logos and ethos are not really utilized in this advertisement because there is no factual information nor is there any kind of endorsement/testimonial being used.
Possible Consequences: 
·         A long term consequence is that the health of the consumers will not be as healthy since they will be eating more Cheetos. A short term consequence is that sales will increase.
·         The unrealistic expectation in this ad is that expectation that people would get into legal trouble to get Cheetos. You can tell because the whole advertisement is a picture of a man who is handcuffed with Cheetos dust.
·         The advertisement doesn’t undermine or counter social change but instead reinforces the stereotype that African Americans are more likely to cause legal issues which has been around since the birth of America.

·         This ad can be taken as offensive for the African American community because it enforces the stereotype that they get into more legal trouble, therefore, the ad is not socially responsible

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