Sunday, October 18, 2015

Doritos Video Ad #2

The main product is Nacho Cheese Doritos.
Time Period: 
This ad was published in 2012.

The advertisement is trying to get you to buy Doritos.

Target Audience:

-          The targeted audience are people watching the superbowl, I know this because I pulled this advertisement from a list of past superbowl ads about doritos.

-          This ad does not draw any assumptions about gender, it is mainly about a goat and his owner. Even though his owner is a male, from watching the ad you can’t draw assumptions from what the ad says.

-          After watching the commercial class is not a factor in the commercial, the ad is more focused on the comical part of the commercial more than anything else. Therefore, there is no assumptions being made about class in this specific ad.

Type of Claim:

From watching the commercial the best thing I can say they used for the type of claim is “so what?” because of how outrageous a goat abusing a human like that. I don’t think a goat would go crazy because you hid its doritos. However I do think that the use of this is effective in grabbing the audience’s attention.

Persuasive Appeals: 
                  This advertisement is huge in pathos because the main point of the commercial is from comical stance which is the use of emotion in the ad. Pathos is used effectively as making
It funny was the main reason why the advertisement worked. However, this advertisement lacked logos and ethos because there was no facts or any claim of credibility.

Possible Consequences: 
-        A long term consequence is that sales of doritos would go up. A short term consequence is that consumers will go out of their way to buy the product.
-          An unrealistic expectation of this ad is that a goat eating doritos and essentially “bullying” his owner for doritos.
-          This advertisement does not undermine or counter social change since it isn’t even realistic in the first place, there’s no way a goat can intimidate a human just like in the ad.
-          The ad is socially responsible because it’s all in good fun and there’s nothing that can offend anybody in it.

Doritos Video Ad #1

The advertisement is focused on advertising doritos.
Time Period: 
The ad was published in 2010.
The advertisement is trying to get you to buy doritos.

Target Audience: 
-          The targeted audience is viewers of the superbowl, you can tell because it is an ad designed for the superbowl.

-          That consumers would do extreme things to get a hold of Cheetos.

-          The commercial makes the assumption that men are driven by sex. I don’t think this assumption is realistic because it’s just what society sees men as nowadays. The ad reinforces the stereotype that men are desperate for sex.

-          This advertisement doesn’t make any assumption about race because it’s more about assumption about the gender.

-          From the commercial I can pull the assumption that the advertiser thinks middle class single mothers raise bratty kids. These assumptions are realistic because you do often see most brat kids are raised by a single parent.

Type of Claim: 
After watching the commercial I can really only say they used the plain folks claim in the ad because it uses an ordinary kid who endorses the product. Plain folks in this ad is somewhat effective but it is not the best way to advertise this.

Persuasive Appeals: 
            This particular advertisement uses mainly pathos through a comedic point and uses comedy to convince the reader that you wouldn’t want anybody touching your doritos. I find the use of pathos effective because it makes it funny and draws the audience’s attention towards the ad

Possible Consequences: 
-          A possible long term consequence is that kids will see this ad and see it as good reason to hit their parent. A short term consequence is that doritos will make more funny ads.

-          The commercial makes the unrealistic expectation of a small child hitting an adult over some chips. This commercial reinforces the stereotype that single mother raise bratty kids. It doesn’t undermine social change due to the reinforcement of the stereotype.

-          This advertisement is socially responsible because even though it conveys violence against an adult it is all in good fun and is funny.


Doritos Poster Ad #2

 The advertised product is a variation of doritos, maritos.
Time Period:  
This advertisement was published in 2015.

The advertisement is trying to get you to try their new product maritos.

Target Audience: 
- The target audience is fans of doritos, you can tell because this is an advertisement for new variation of doritos.
- Advertisers make the assumption that the consumers want chips that are crunch and that good quality of doritos.
- From analyzing the poster, you can't pull any gender assumptions from this advertisement because there are no genders involved in here.
- Since there is no race involved with this advertisement, there is no assumptions regarding race in this advertisement.
- There is absolutely no assumptions about class in this particular ad since it is just a picture of a shark with its mouth open, you can't draw any assumptions from that.

Type of Claim:  
 The advertisement uses "the water is wet" claim and magic ingredients. The quote "The chip that bites back" is the use of "the water is wet" claim and for the magic ingredients in small text it mentions the use of sea salt and cayenne pepper to add to their product. 

Persuasive Appeals:  
The proof used primarily in this advertisement is ethos because it uses a picture of a shark, an animal known to have a strong bite and they claim that maritos is a chip that is " the chip that bites back". The use of ethos here is effective because of the great analogy they use the bite of a shark to compare to how hard you bite for their chips. The advertisement,however, lacks pathos and logos in this ad.

Possible Consequences: 
-     A long term consequence is that new products like this will be created, if successful.
A possible short term consequence is never selling this product again due to it not being popular.
- For this particular ad you can not say that it undermines social change but neither does it reinforce keeping it the same.
- This ad is socially responsible because it is made for commercial uses and its all friendly and entertaining.

Doritos Poster Ad #1


Nacho Cheese Doritos is the product being advertised.
Time Period: 
This advertisement was published in the 2000s.

The advertisement is trying to get you to buy Doritos.

Target Audience: 
-          The target audience is general consumers of American, you can tell because it is an American commercial and is not specifying any particular audience.

-          The advertisement makes the assumption that the consumer will never be left alone when enjoying a bag of Doritos.

-          Even with a man in this poster ad, there is no assumption about gender it is not trying to make any assumptions about males so it is more gender neutral in this particular ad.

-          This advertisement doesn’t make any assumptions about race, there is not enough information on this advertisement to make an assumption about a certain race just by reading it.

-          In this particular ad there is not any assumption about class, the advertisement is simple and does nothing to try to get any assumptions regarding class in it.

Type of Claim: 
-          From analyzing the poster you can tell the advertisers use the “so what?” claim. The big text that says “it’s hard to eat when my badger is eating your face.” The way it is used in the advertisement is effective because it shows how much people love the product.

Persuasive Appeals: 
-          This advertisement is big in using pathos with a picture of an angry beaver and a man enjoying a bag of Doritos. It lacks the use of logos and ethos in this ad, however, the use of pathos is clever and entertaining.

Possible Consequences:
-          A long term consequence of this ad is that Doritos will keep making more entertaining ads like this. A possible short term consequence is that

-          The advertisement creates the unrealistic expectation that you will have a badger that protects anybody from stealing your Doritos.       

-          There is not enough assumptions that can be made in this advertisement to if there is any social change.

-          This ad is socially responsible because it doesn’t have anything offending or anything that could cause trouble in the media.

Cheetos Video Ad #2

CHEETOS cheese puffs is the specific product being advertised.
Time Period: 
The advertisement was published in 2015.

The advertisement is trying to get you to buy Cheetos cheese puffs.

Target Audience: 
·         The target audience is for the general consumer, you can tell because it is not specific to who they target.

·         The advertiser makes the assumption that people go wild when they see Cheetos and instantly want to eat them.

·         An assumption that is made from this ad is that men are unprepared and clueless because in this ad it shows a male not having a Halloween costume for a party at his house. I find this assumptions realistic because I think it is true that guys are too often unprepared for many things and are careless. This assumption reinforces the stereotype that men are clumsy and lazy.

·         There is not really any racial stereotyping in the commercial because it is just an advertisement focused on a Halloween party with a Cheetos costume.

·         In this advertisement, there is not really any assumptions about class since there is not enough information that can be assumed from watching the commercial.

Type of Claim: 

·         A claim used in the advertisement is the “so what?” because it uses their slogan “dangerously cheesy” which leaves you wondering why they needed to put that there. I personally don’t find the “so what?” claim to be effective because it is basically just there for filling empty space.

Persuasive Appeals: 

·         After watching the commercial I can really only say that the advertisement uses ethos through their slogan, “dangerously cheesy”. Pathos and logos aren’t really used since they aren’t trying to play with your emotion or shove facts in your face. The use of ethos is somewhat effective in this advertisement

Possible Consequences: 

·         The messages conveyed in the commercial are unrealistic it makes the audience feel like Cheetos makes people go crazy for them as soon as they see them.

·         The particular advertisement doesn’t counter or undermine social change nor does it reinforce any type of stereotype. It is clear to see there isn’t enough information and assumptions being made in the commercial to have social change.

·         The advertisement socially responsible because there is really nothing offensive about this ad and I don’t see anything negative feedback from the audience by watching this.

Cheetos Video Ad #1

CHEETOS Mix-Ups Cheesy Salsa Mix
Time Period: 
This advertisement was published in 2015

The advertisement is trying to get you to try their new product CHEETOS Mix-Ups Cheesy Salsa Mix.

Target Audience: 

·         People who are fans of the Cheetos brand are the targeted audience. It is easy to tell because it is advertising a new variety of Cheetos as opposed to the original.
·         The advertisers make the assumption that their audience would really like something different from the original product with some crazy new variety.
·         In this particular advertisement, there is no gender assumption since it is more gender more than anything.
·         From what I saw in this advertisement, it illustrates a society where there are literally only white people who are in a hotel which goes with the stereotype that “white people are rich” and that only they can afford to stay in a hotel/resort. It reinforces the stereotype that white people are rich in this way.
·         The assumption class can be that wealthy people are always happy. I believe the advertisement reinforces the stereotype that wealthy people are always happy because in the end of the advertisement, everybody is happy.
Type of Claim:

·         The advertisement uses an ordinary family and hotel clerk. Plain folks is used to show how normal people enjoy Cheetos. The vague claim used is “dangerously cheesy” which sort of is just there and doesn’t contribute to the advertising of the product.

Persuasive Appeals: 

·         From watching the advertisement one can only say it uses pathos because there is not factual information nor is there endorsement or trying to use credibility in the commercial. Pathos is used through the hotel clerk; at first he seems to hate his job, but when eating the product he is happy and even says to himself  “I deserve this” while eating it. The proof(s) used in the commercial are somewhat effective because the pathos used kind of leaves you with the idea of  “so what?”.

Possible Consequences: 
·         A short term effect is that people would want to try this new variety of Cheetos because of how interesting the ad makes it look. A long term effect is the price of this certain variety due to the popularity.
·         After watching the advertisement, it makes the assumption the audience think that you can bribe anybody with Cheetos product to get what you want.
·         Messages conveyed in the advertisement don’t try counter or undermine any social change because it reinforces the perfect utopian society of only white Americans.
·         This is socially responsible because there is really nothing offensive about this ad and I don’t see anything negative feedback from the audience by watching this.

Cheetos Poster Ad #2

CHEETOS cheese puffs.
Time Period: 
The advertisement was published in 1968.

Purpose:  The advertisement is trying to get you to Cheetos cheese puffs.

Target Audience: 
·         People who are trying Cheetos for their first time is the primary audience. You can tell because it says “as a gift for trying Chee-tos Cheese puffs.”

·         The advertisers assume that adding 2 pair of nylons will grab people’s attention and convince them to buy Cheetos.

·         The advertisement doesn’t really involve any genders, so the advertisement isn’t actually making any gender assumptions.

·         Since there is no race involved in this advertisement, you can say there is no assumptions being made about race in this ad.
o   The assumption lower class people would be more willing to buy this product because of the two free pairs of nylon with their bag of chips. It reinforces the stereotype that free stuff will always convince lower class people to buying their product.

Type of Claim: 

·         This advertisement definitely uses bribery as half the advertisement is mentions how you get 2 free pairs of nylon with your purchase. The vague claim is used when it says “Cheetos cheese puffs – the cheese flavored snack that goes crunch” which does nothing to help the ad.

Persuasive Appeals: 

·         It is difficult to find any types of proofs used in this advertisement, but a possible proof used is ethos when the advertisement says “the cheese flavored snack that goes crunch” which is trying to build credibility that their product is actually crunchy. Pathos and logos are definitely not used in this ad at all. Ethos used in this advertisement is not all effective because of how it is more of a slogan and not contributing to the ad.
Possible Consequences: 
·         A long term consequence is that sales of Cheetos would down after the promotion ends. A short term effect is that sales would rise due to promotion temporarily.

·         This does not make any unrealistic expectation since it is just an ordinary ad, nothing too crazy about it.

·         The messages in this advertisement don’t counter or undermine social because it doesn’t involve any social change in the advertisement nor does it make any social assumptions.

·         There is nothing negative about this advertisement as it doesn’t offend or harass anybody so the ad is socially responsible.